Five Chinese Crackers
I have been meaning to add this great site to my blogroll for ages and somehow I kept missing it. A peculiarity is that it one of my biggest referrers and not all the same person. So if you came from 5cc, hello! Say hello back, yeah?
Other additions will have and '*' (that's an asterisk without the quotes) before them so I can monitor whether it's worth a read. I'm going to trawl other people's blogrolls because I play too much online poker and so need some distraction.
If you know of any killer
blogs then let me know in the comments. Note: That's
BLOGS not links sites, real people talking about real things.
Dale does this sort of thing as an ego massage, I'd like to have the most eclectic blogroll out there. Preferabbly daily updated but not essential.
Oh did I mention they must be