Merry Mid Winter
Ah 'tis that special time of the year.
The sun has moved aspect and now light is more abundant.
We will find from tomorrow that the days are longer and so it's time for summer holiday adverts to appear on telly again.
For those who suffer SAD it's gonna start getting better.
For those who suffer XMAS overspending syndrome, it may get better in March, but I doubt it.
For those who simply brought an evergreen into the house to remember that in the depths of winter life still goes on - well done you fucking hippy (that includes me).
As the year draws to a close light a candle to the ones you loved and lost this year, maybe have a little dance and then move on - It may be the darkest day, but hope springs eternal and before you know it you'll be complaining it's too hot, too wet or that you didn't get Glastonbury tickets again. (CLUE: there are better festivals out there)
It's a cycle you see, and I intend to cycle hard until I fall off my bike.
Happy Mid Winter all.
love and light
poons xx