poons blogs shocker saves the planet single handedly
I tried out snapshot both here and at Worcesterfari and it irritated the hell out of me.
So I threw it away, but just got this email :
Saving the planet one computer at a time.
As a side project, in our free time, Snap has released C02Saver, a toolbar that automatically changes the settings on Windows computers to minimize energy usage. C02Saver was recently featured on Good Morning, America, one of the top morning news programs in the US. Read more about it on our blog and be sure to download C02Saver today. Together, we've already saved over 175,000 pounds of C02 emissions!My favourite trick is falling asleep to BBC Live 24 on full screen. The monitor times out after about 3 hours but the computer and audio (much to my flatmates annoyance no doubt) carries on, as does the endless drone of the cooling fan that I will get around to replacing some day soon.
This can stop me in my CO2 belching ways, so I've installed it and I suppose that's as close to a Prius as I'll ever get.