howlingspoons says
It's tidy up time before I get the decorators in.
Have decamped as a part-time
sofa surfer which brings me a shiny adsl connection and a bad back.
So first on the agenda is the various detrious and bad links in my blogroll.
Those that have been deleted are listed below. If it's your blog and you have simply moved on to pastures new please e-mail me and I'll re-instate in most cases. Some are being dropped because they are dead in the water whilst others I've simply got bored of (fickle creature that I am).
The *Hit List
Bloggerheads - Yup, time to take him off the blog roll and into the VIP Link lounge.
Buttercup - best wishes on you marriage and all that....
Hanzi Smatter - got bored now
Kathryn Cramer - never read it these days
Yoz - bit too techy and not updated enough
Maggies Underpants - has been retired by the author
Michael Moore - never really got there. Rest of the site is okay then.
Mill Hill East - Retired by the author
October Surprise - was never very surprising really
Resolute Cynic - no link cos the blog has gone - where are you RC - apart from in my comments????
The Six Dwarfs - have gone to pastures new - I've e-mailed so this one may well make a re-entry
The Uk Today - off to the VIP lounge with him
Tomski - can really remember why I blogrolled this. Maybe someone could remind me....
And finally
Wibbler - and another for the VIP lounge
Right that's the blog roll sorted (phase 1. phase 2 will be an attempt to categorise them)