Beware the Ides of November Boris - Apologies for the late arrival of this post."'These are the Spectator's awards and the Spectator is an incomparable magazine. There is nothing like the Spectator for stirring up and stimulating political controversy. Indeed in all senses of the word it could best be described as political Viagra [laughter]. And I must [prolonged laughter] I must take this opportunity of congratulating Boris on the tremendous enthusiasm with which you have approached your various front-bench duties [laughter]. I had no idea when I appointed you as shadow minister for culture, media and sport that you would take to the task with quite such aplomb. You were keen to make your mark with the city of culture [ie Liverpool]. You wanted them to get to know you better. And you succeeded beyond my wildest dreams in achieving that objective... All I can say is Boris... keep it up!'"