Arrys Carlsberg Special Brew Site, A Drunks Guide
Brew is my favoured tipple. (listens as lots of readers go - arrrgh that's why he posts such bollox sometimes)
Actually that not true, I am an alcoholic who will get through 4-6 cans per 24 hours. This doesn't particularly bother me, I am a happy drunk always (except for one incident where tequilla was involved) and can afford this simple pleasure.
'Arry has done a lovely homage to this "Beer of the Gods" - my only advice is this.
1) Stick with it, it really is an acquired taste.
2) Always drink ice cold - or as the tin say "Best Served Well Chilled" - heh
3) I love you, No. I really do. And I'm not just saying that because ****barf****
Oh and BTW 'Arry - 8 cans in one sitting? Anytime mate, you bloody nancy boy.
As aside -
this man seems to owe me a pint.