Black Spot Update
After finding out that Black Spot Trainers are soon to be released I dropped them a line just making sure that the knew of Howies in the UK. I'm glad to say that I received this reply from them today....
Hi Poons!
Thanks for the referral! I'm glad to say that Howies already
approached us. I love their stuff - gotta get me an "American Ego"
And yes - keep hounding your local skate shop! If you want a list of UK
distributors, we'll post one on our website once we get the shoes to
them. You can order directly from us through mail order too.
So there you go, if you want to be the proud owner of what will be undoubtably 'the next big thing' in footwear, get down to your local
independent skate shop and tell them to get their advance order into today!