/* My bits are protected, are yours?*/ poons: March 2007
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George W. Bush is coming to the UK... and we'll be waiting for him.
30 March, 2007
  This is very sweary
but it needed to be said.
25 March, 2007
  Britblog Round Up 110
Over at Clairwil this week.
22 March, 2007
  Dear Mr Hain,
I think this bloke maybe off Peter Hain's Christmas card list this year.

Works for me, tho' NSFW, 'tis rather sweary.
18 March, 2007
  From The Dustbin of History
Britblog roundup #109 is ready to go...
11 March, 2007
  Britblog Roundup #108
Chris Lightfoot 1978-2007

Welcome to roundup #108, and as many of you will know, this week brought the sad news of the sudden death of Chris Lightfoot. Many, many words have been written about Chris this week, a rundown of which can be found here, however I'd like to draw your attention to those of Tom Steinberg of at mysociety.org and a little tale over at The Virtual Stoa.

Controversy was stirred by the publication of a book on BBC bias by ex-BBC man Robin Aitken, which apparently has been overlooked by the Beeb. Iain Dale had the man in to 18DS to discuss the implications, but Pete has an alternative view on the affair.

In the land of the Liberals, reflections from Niles and Stephen Tall on *that* Trident debate, the fall of Mark Littlewood and the 'messianic cult' of Ming; a phrase to strike fear into the heart of even the most hardened atheist. Still on the theist theme, Johnathan Calder ponders martyrdom and just who has the claim to St Wystan.

Jim Bliss at The Quiet Road continues the debate about 18DS's vid A World without America and poses a few questions.

Inevitably the removal of Patrick Mercer MP from the Tory frontbench garnered some blog inches. Sunny at Pickled Politics has a take on it with links to many more views both for and against Mr Mercer.

And so to greener pastures, Mel over at Beansprouts has some handy hints on cutting down to amount of junk mail that falls through your letterbox. Whilst we're being green, Paul Kingsnorth, tells the real story regarding Channel 4's (edit: video link from Samizdata) latest contribution to the global warming debate and Green feminist Natalie Bennett ponders, um, sideboards and the new Musee du quai Branly.

Turning to law and order, Jim Jay isn't feeling anxious, afraid or worried. Francis is feeling criminalised and ZinZin appears to be calling for a blanket ASBO for geriatrics.

On a personal note I'd like to send congratulations to Rachel on getting the book done and dusted and remind you all of this before moving to the 'And Finally' bit...

First off pandemian dons the latex knickers to draw attention to Troubled Diva's contribution to the Comic Relief effort, whilst Tim Ireland awaits the thoughts of the Met with bated breath. Inky Circus uses tenuous means to post pictures of cute puddy tats and in the interest of balance - have some pictures of some of the hounds at this years Crufts.

Next roundup comes from Devil's Kitchen who is forbidden from mentioning Uncle Fester.

Edit: darn and it was going so well - Next week is at From The Dustbin of History.

Contributions please to britblog AT gmail DOT com.

Oh, and if you thought this week was tripe, then Mr Worstall appears to be suffering a little from withdrawal symptoms...


p.s. please check this out
07 March, 2007
  Taking on the BNP

Pickled Politics have alerted to me a new campaign, Hope Not Hate to run from March 24th for a fortnight.

Please support this very worthy cause. Feel free to nick the slighlty altered rosette tag for your site as they don't seem to have any over there just yet.

Edit : Watch this if you aren't sure.
04 March, 2007
In expectation of a *cough* slight increase in traffic around these parts I've had a wee tidy up so hopefully this now shows properly. Just went to clear some stat logs and found someone some one coming in on this search. Please note speeling and the other result.
  Mr Eugenides: Britblog Roundup #107
Mr E takes over the reigns from Tim Worstall for the first of the all new singing and dancing Britblog round-up. Be sure to send your nominations for next weeks to britblog [at] gmail [dot] com or else I'll be sat here with nothing to do...
03 March, 2007
  Running the world - Jarvis Cocker

Thank you tyger

getting a bit more serious

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