/* My bits are protected, are yours?*/ poons: October 2005
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George W. Bush is coming to the UK... and we'll be waiting for him.
28 October, 2005
  When viral videos go bad
There is lovely clip on iflims capturing a hilarious moment when Dr. Phil (who ever he is) has a lady talk about oral sex.

The advert before hand is for Wendys Bacon Mushroom Melt
The Wendys slogan?
Do What Tastes Right.
25 October, 2005
  Totally totally brilliant
168k of pixel mashing at it's finest
23 October, 2005
  And then there is the bad loser
Mark's Forum: Bad Day at Black Rock
"My good hands were constantly counterfeited by slightly better hands that should never have been in the hand. What can you do? That's poker, babe. Still bummed though"

But Mark's not bitter..

"I know I am better than at least 99% of the people who played today. Just kills me."

Mark went out in place 1310 - they guy who knocked him out is currently #1 in the tournament (as i write this)....

It's a silly bloody game anyway.
  One Hour 42 Mins
Placed as 433 so no hat

cya all next year
  The Rules
There are only 22 rules.

Rule 23: Beware The Fnords.

Anyway the next post will be either in or out of the tournament, with the blinds every 15 mins tho I may actually hold my own so new prediction is 21:30 BST.

Update:Total now up to 1471
  Toilet Products
Call Centre Confidential was one of the first work placed blogs I used to read.

I was just reading the comments on the last post, and lo
on the 30th September we have this

Think you made the right decision, bud.
Come check out my site. That'll brighten your day whilst you're thinking about what you want to do next.
Just remember life is too short to dwell on the little things.
Much love,
Barry Scott

Barry has a blog...
It's filed under toilet products.
But it could be put under scum sucking advertising blogs
or maybe you've got a better idea.

Anyway now a word from those really very nice people at that poker site I'm advertising all over here, um...
  PokerStars Blogger Championship
So the big day arrives....
1468 bloggers, a $25k prize pool and the chance to make a complete dick of yourself in front of the entire blogging community.

Kick off is 9pm BST so expect me to be blogging my demise by about quarter past, though it would be nice to win a hat, or an Xbox or a $12000 dollar seat here. Well I can dream can't I?

Actually I'd rather win an Ipod (17th-36th place) than an Xbox (7th-16th place) so if I end up in 19th place and suddenly throw all my chips away, I was working to a plan, honest. No, really.
22 October, 2005
  Climate Mash
It would appear that zombies are the in thing at the mo....
link from City Hippy
19 October, 2005
  Backing Blair VI - Not Over By A Long Shot
Tim's at it again, and a million Partridge Family fans cried out as one....

18 October, 2005
  Pint of Gwyneth Ta
The new Guiness advert is rather splendid.
You can see it here if you haven't already.
The first time I saw it I wondered what it would be like if reversed.
Wibbler has the answer.....
14 October, 2005
  The Starbucks Challenge

I've never bought coffee from Starbucks.
Tomorrow I will, but only if it is Fair Trade.
I think Worcester has a Starbucks, it must do surely.
Um apparently not

But it's okay I'm going to the cinema tomorrow, they'll have a machine I hope.
  Popular Peoples Front
Every now and then I check out how people get to this backwater on the web. Leaving aside the google search for 'poons licking' for a moment*, for some reason I get a number three for 'popular peoples front'.
My last hit on that was from Croatia, bet that surfer was dissapointed, but not as much as the 'licking' searchers.....
Maybe I should ask Scaryduck for some hints.
  999 script
I read this post from Nee Naw last night, and lo and behold had to call an ambulance for a customer who had started fitting in the shop tonight. It's the first time I've had to make such a call, so if you're not familiar with what to expect take a few minutes to go and have a read, you never know when it may come in handy.
Oh, the rest of the blog is rather good as well.

Oh and just in case you need a reason to know why and when to call a 'bulance read this
12 October, 2005
  Keith Schofield / Pi
Downright odd. (requires Quicktime)
  Who should the US bomb next?
CNNN asked the good folks of America who they thought should be next for military action in the War on Terror. Crooks and Liars provide a video....
05 October, 2005
  .NET Rocks!
I just stumbled on it whilst looking for some MS Access tools honest.
But I didn't listen to any...
  Warning: May contain nuts
Seemingly, some political bloggers are no good nuts who need to use cut and paste to express their view, and all of them are left leaning.

Video(WMV) and then a whole host links can be found at Crooks and Liars here
04 October, 2005
  Count me in
Cheers to Nick Barlow for posting about this poker tournament.
I usually play with a different online service but as this is a bloggers only tourney I can't resist, even if they are going to milk some serious juice from this exercise!

I've just had a quick shufty at the software and it's better than my usual client, so thanks again Nick. I'll cya on the day!

Oh, if anyone wants to come looking for me on Poker Stars my nick is howlingpoons (note: speeeeling) . I am assuming you can people search...
  Encyclopedia Obscura and some other stuff.
City Hippy - The diary of our struggle to live a green and fair life.
Nee Naw - The blog of an Ambulance Service telephone bod.

Oh and you may have noticed that I've finally got around to having a tidy up. Let me know if what you thunk.

getting a bit more serious

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